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tv   Fox 29 News at 10  FOX  June 19, 2015 3:00am-4:01am EDT

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>> now on "chasing news". ♪ >> look at this guy. >> there is no good time. >> i had my pg buddy shut down the exit. a rutgers police officer. my mazda does not go that fast. >> i'm tired of this. >> formally charged with murder yesterday. coming down his ex-wife. that may may give the appearance of a cut and dry prosecution. >> the. >> the court desirous to enter a plea. the play would be not guilty >> miss new york usa i
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repeat, not looking for a date. the popular dating site. >> it was damaging in so many ways. ♪ >> you are chasing the story >> well, if you are going to drive well over 100 miles per hour and a public road you will not want to post a video showcasing it on facebook. christopher murray did just that. this video. the bmw pouring down the street. then a shot on the dashboard >> 5060. seventy. is 100.
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120. >> now we're at 140 miles per hour. almost 150 miles per hour. >> insane. >> posted that video along with several others. you can see the reaction questioning how he could be an emt. he says, i have my buddy shut down the exit bragging a police officer helped to carry out this. first reported on the story. he showed me the road. with went down 18 and recognizes in the video. does not go that fast. no. the speed is 55 miles per
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hour. the driver was going at least 150 miles per hour. also drove on campus. the rutgers flag hanging. >> a lot of college students who are young driving only for a few years. need to use that highway to get to work on time. there is no good time. >> tells me it has yet to even confirm if mary was employed by the school something he believes should be public knowledge. maybe a little more. >> is not think being a police officer or 1st responder is important enough that the poet has public has a right to know whether or not a person holds that job. >> we don't know what the statuses. christopher status is. christopher murray, his facebook has since been
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deleted. no information. >> he looks like he is fooling himself. >> so many levels. >> was the big deal? got to ride the bmw. >> you have to remember so many students still on campus. why is not far from route 18. >> the souped-up sports car. where can you drive like this? think of it. my guess is that is not the 1st time. high-speed chase. >> billionaire donald trump is not surprised to see throngs of people. why would he be? after all, he paid them. according to the reporter he put out a call for extras.
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fifty bucks apiece. after his comments on building a wall maybe he can pay americans to vote for him. >> check out this video out of philadelphia. the span of ten days 12 taxicabs in some was philadelphia. the string of crimes of violence. urging writers to check identification. make sure a match the driver. they think that possibly some of these people might be taking them for a ride. >> yesterday you brought up this exclusive video difficult to watch. an off-duty an off-duty cop who allegedly just murdered his ex-wife. viewers at home this does
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and it is arrest. dug deep on the story. talk to give bit about what this is. just recently been divorced. >> with murder yesterday. coming down his ex-wife. this exclusive video just moments before he surrendered. >> i'm tired of it. i'm tired of it. >> a number of people witnessed the shooting. that may give the appearance of a cut and dry prosecution. did he enter a plea or was it just an initial reading of the charges? >> simply initial reading of the charges. i indicated to the court desired us to enter a plea. it would be not guilty.
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with intent to defend this case all levels. >> doing his job. out of the family wind up at this tragic.? they have recently divorced after a 24 year marriage in which they had nine children the initial divorce complaint, his attorney attorney claims along with the marital abuses physical abuse while she was pregnant in addiction to pornography multiple cases of cheating. he allegedly gave her a black eye as a birthday present for confronting him. his attorney who filed this initial complaint was in tears i spoke with her on the phone. >> at heart wrenching tragedy. i am devastated. a wide range of motion out of respect for the family i
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will refrain from further comment. bill: of the 24 years was he ever charged? maybe the department could say wait a minute. there's a guy here acting in a way. >> the answer i have is not that i no of. bill: ever charged with assault? >> kill him. he is dead. he is dead. >> there was a 2nd volley of shots that he fired through the windshield of the car. law enforcement experts coming forward saying that would have been a good opportunity. physically with gunfire as they might in other situations. >> the question is what happens to these kids? now the mom is dead and the dad is likely to go away for the rest of his life.
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>> some of the kids are adults. sitting in the passenger seat. it's a tragedy. >> stunning former miss new york usa. right here in studio. i repeat not looking for a date. you might think that she was. the happily couple that former beauty queen has been impersonated on the popular dating site. her her impersonated took a little far using personal information and biographical information that may people believe it was making. she got the profile removed but not until she got a lawyer that there were moved the profile from the site. that is not the end of the
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story but rather the beginning. desperately wants no who was the person that impersonated or. they will not release that information without a court order. >> as you can see, a lot happened. damaging in so many ways. my personal my personal relationships my career things i never imagined. it took a long time to get it. we were looking to move forward and create stricter policies. >> sometimes the 1st reactions we need this or that. i don't understand how she served by this. >> someone stole my identity. they are creating lies. literally a profile of the type of person that i am always looking for. >> speaking on your behalf. >> vicariously living her life. >> speaking for you.
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>> employers. >> defamatory. oh, yes. i teach younger, brevity of the clients and one-on-one instruction and have been doing that for years. i no my clients well. they have all been referrals. so i have lost clients from that. >> that's where you get into it it, not having to worry about the laws being written up. defamation. identity theft. i mean, these things i don't know i don't know if they cross those lines but they are close. >> i hope that i hope that sometime you find out who did it. i agree there are laws there to protect people from this kind of thing. >> thank you so much. >> valedictorians headed to harvard. >> i think they are afraid i might use the speech to incite a riot.
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♪ >> another day in the life. >> we report the news. when it comes down to it it's not just about the st
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>> why don't you want to talk to him? >> that's a positive thing. >> on wednesday we brought
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you the story about a co-op board requiring tenants to provide a letter. it's a policy garnering a huge amount of criticism. well,. well released a statement defending the policies. the decision to have dna testing was made with the well-being of all who resided in the building in mind. dog owners remain outraged. bill: you are chasing a story from low-lying high school. a senior valedictorian of his class headed to harvard not allowed to give his commencement address. >> a standout 18 -year-old and load i high school. harvard down to a valedictorian. his classmates were a school but he was sitting at home suspended. >> there are afraid that we might use the speech to incite a riot have a personal agenda.
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>> it all started when he went to his breakfast. the same breakfast he was told by school officials. >> i would no longer be giving the speech and that it will be an application. i would application. i would not be allowed to give the speech. >> an all-out war. >> the whole twitter movement. one of the tweets, vasco should be proud whether students is going to harvard. by the way, consequences are just to scare you. table go through with it. bill: why did they tell them? >> would not give me a comment. believes that it has to do with earlier in the year when the substitute teacher from math class was sitting their with some friends. the teacher told him to be
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quiet. he said they were really talking in the teacher singled out one of his friends so we stood up and offended his friend. >> i said you don't know him. >> having one in our detention. >> i went into the guidance office and told that i would like to resolve this peacefully. i guess she was on the lookout for something or felt threatened or something happened. she took it is a statement. >> and the principal's office being ordered to get a psychiatric a psychiatric evaluation. he passed the psychiatric evaluation but organized a protest the school. you can see here video protesting the principal administrator. it depends how you look at it. his father passed away early on this year.
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>> i think you would have been really proud of where i ended up. >> he hopes that he can give a speech in his honor. >> the trouble is that he goes to the guidance counselor and said that he wanted to resolve the situation peacefully. you have to work really hard to interpret that as a a threat. >> a valedictorian is supposed to represent the student body. >> is not about me but the senior class. >> sometimes someone who is intelligent has difficulty relating to a pack of dumb asses. >> because he's intelligent and smart. he's acting out as a teenager. >> the biggest agitator in new jersey is giving this message. ♪ >> something we are told to think about us kids. >> i live wherever that blunt this part that week
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>> father's day is the sunday. unfortunately the bad news there. >> like it's going to be left out. one to 2 inches of rain. if you are planning any activities, spending time indoors. >> i'm speechless right now. that doesn't happen. >> a great chasing a blimp. >> something we are told to think about is kids. doctors, teachers
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reporters. what about the blood pilot? to find out what this job entails a headed our to new jersey. i met up with commercial blood pilot harry dillard who is the chief pilot of metlife snoopy one. i hopped in and away we went >> are going to head south come over top and had to the statue of liberty. >> you you. >> me. >> this whole trip revolves around me. >> they don't play golf on wednesday. >> he wanted to be in the air. he grew up in florida and worked in a hot air balloon business. he did that for 18 years. flying a commercial blimp. you check them out. for 25 years he has been doing this. >> i'm an old guy.
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must be doing something right. >> the blood pilots around the world. >> fifty-eight. >> that's it. >> they are there are not that many plants. >> around the world. i don't know. >> well, only like 20 blunt around the world. >> for each one. his work is taken them all over the country. >> it doesn't get any sweeter in this. >> as rewarding as it is there is a lot of sacrifice involved. >> thanksgiving and christmas, usually spending those on the road. >> i live wherever that blunt as part that week. >> how many weeks a year do you travel? >> i travel 11 months out of
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the year. >> able to make it work. actually traveled with him for the 1st 14 years they were married. >> we travel around the country and change cities every week depending on the event. we have made it work. >> required to buy a minimum of 30 hours. >> the gps has xm satellite radio. >> listen. >> listen to taylor swift together. >> absolutely. >> whatever it is. bill: is it hard? the airplane cockpit and there's so much going on. [laughter] >> levels all across the front. >> look at that. >> the statue of liberty and the freedom tower.
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>> this is even my favorite. i've seen both of the wells appear. >> have you tell the direction your going to back the gps. >> we have a thing called the compass. >> unlike anything i've ever seen before in my entire life. >> you can drink eat
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>> we have live team coverage. joel waldman live in charleston. joel. >> good evening to you.
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we have an arraignment date and time for 21-year-old dylan roof. he will be arraigned. he was brought back here to charleston south carolina. his arraignment tomorrow at 2:00 p.m. at the detention center he is being held in and we are told that there are cameras in there so we might get a good look at him tomorrow as well. investigators obviously want to check out his profile very closely and are looking at a few things. one of them obviously potential ties to white supremacist groups. when they made the arrest of mr. roof about 220 miles from where we are right now in charleston, south carolina as he was heading north into north carolina they found a confederate flag on his license plate. turns out he's also been seen with these patches on his jacket from countries like south africa as well as road keisha. those are red flags for investigators in shelby north
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carolina they found drugs that are used sort of an antidote to opiate addiction. turns out as well that dylann roof was arrested recently on a drug charge as well as a trespassing charge. the washington post reporting his sister is the one who id'd him to police. his own uncle does not have very choice words for him and i will wrap with saying that he never got out of freshman year of high school so a lot going on with this young man. guys. >> all right, joel waldman in charleston for us tonight. thank you. outside that church in charleston nine white ribbons bearing the names of those killed. a memorial of flowers balloons and handwritten notes grows as people from near and far pay their respects with a growing cry for unit. group of strangers held hands and prayed for healing in the shadow of the historic church. some say the pain goes far beyond the names displayed on these ribbons. >> hearts go out to all of the families. it's devastating. >> it's really sad and that the why i came 'cause i'm sad.
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i didn't sleep last night. >> a lot of people in this city didn't sleep last night. >> i take it personally. i take the attack really personally. i go to church a couple streets down. as a church these people are my family too. >> a public memorial will be held tomorrow night at the college of charleston arena. >> now tonight we can see what could be the final moments inside the church before the gunman opened fire. this image is part of a snapchat video taken by one of the victims. friends are sharing it. he took it during the bible study last night. they say that's the suspected gunman right there in the corner. sanders' friend saw the post on social media then heard about the shooting and immediately began tweeting their concern for their friend. the 26-year-old died in the attack. nine people lost their lives last night. six women, three men. sanders was the youngest. the oldest 87. the church's pastor state senator clementa pinkney a well known beloved community
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leader. cynthia hurd a 31-year-old library worker. 46-year-old sharon today single. 49-year-old middleton a doctor at southern western university. now not pictured 59-year-old myra thompson, 70-year-old ethel lance 87-year-old susie jackson the reverend daniel simmons sr. authorities have not identified the ninth person killed. >> ♪ >> a powerful scene outside that historic south carolina church as hundreds gathered singing this little light of mine became an anthem of course during the civil rights movement and hearts are also heavy tonight here in philadelphia. hundreds gathering for a prayer vigil in society hill. the place where the ame church was born. that's where fox 29's shawnette wilson is right now. shawnette an emotional evening. >> yeah, very much so, see yan ian.
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many chanted in solidarity because of the tragedy we are all ame. >> [inaudible] >> we are all ame. (applause). >> reporter: an emotional show of support for the ame church by members of several faith traditions. people of all religious denominations and races packed mother bethel ame in society hill for a prayer vigil. >> we're here tonight as a grieving community fighting and struggling to keep our faith. >> reporter: they're mourning the loss of a pastor and eight members of sister church in charleston south carolina. >> we are deeply saddened by this tragic act of violence that took the lives of nine
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church members including a friend of mine, reverend clementa pinkney, pastor of the church and south carolina state senator. >> reporter: the prayer service was held for healing and to promote peace and unit. >> today we mourn together because terror is terror, hate a hate. >> our brothers and sisters are not dead. they're not gone. as long as you keep them in your heart and in your mind, they can never die. >> we understand the attack against one is an attack against us all. >> reporter: many joined hands as the service ended with the reading of the names of the lives lost. this tragedy very personal for
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reverend tyler at mother bethel. he says the pastor killed was a close friend of his for more than a decade. iain. >> shawnette thank you. head to you can find more information about the victims and the president's emotional news conference right on the home page. >> on your radar, the heat is coming back. all right, scott how hot are we talking. >> yeah, we're talking about near 90 degrees far high temperatures tomorrow, the humidity will build as well. we saw some heavy rain the first part of the day. right now pretty settled as we look at ultimate doppler. a few showers well to the west around harrisburg trying to move into sections around reading, berks county as well as northern lancaster county and well to our south in virginia storm reports of a possible tornado that kind of moved through the area, it was a little more unstable farther to the south of us but take a look at the planner tomorrow. temperatures warm rapidly. by 11 o'clock in the low 80's mid to upper 80's in the afternoon. it will be partly sunny. there could be a few spotty showers but the heat continues to build. coming up we'll have the
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timing of potential tropical moisture that could impact a part of father's day weekend with the seven day. back to you. >> all right, scott, thank you. we're continuing to follow a developing story in north philadelphia. the cleanup continues in east falls tonight hours after a water main break turned a shopping center into a lake. it's the second time in less than a week that busted pipes have caused some big problems in parts of the city. fox 29's chris o'connell is live near a messy shopping center tonight and chris it looks like a lot of work needs to be done there. >> it sure does, iain. >> reporter: this water main break be that dumped water into the shopping mart and parking lot. the cleanup continues. there are restoration crews here remediation crews here, workers with the philadelphia water department and those guys you see there are beginning to start the repairs on that water main break on a
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cleanup that could take days. crews spent the night hosing down and mopping up the mess a broken water main left behind. >> hurry up and get in the car. >> reporter: this is what customers saw at baker center shopping center just after 2:30 this afternoon. >> it wasn't more than five minutes it was water everywhere. >> reporter: a massive 48-inch water transmission main busted sending a wave of water into seven stores. it also shut down a nearby freight rail line covered in mud. >> within minutes it was like a river just -- and fast. >> reporter: customers inside the shop rite supermarket were told to evacuate immediately but some couldn't even get out. employees used bags of kitty litter and play sand to help keep the water outside. >> stranded. if you were on that side you couldn't get out and if you were on this side you couldn't get in. >> reporter: it took more than two hours for crews to shut off the water but not before submerging cars in the parking lot. inside the dollar plus store inches of mud and water
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thousands of dollars worth of merchandise now ruined. >> by the time i got to the door the water was -- it was all the way up to your knees. >> reporter: the water was so high at one point firefighters came in to help rescue stranded shoppers in shopping carts. >> customers were screaming, so, my gosh, look, look. i look out and i see like a wave coming towards the glass. it was a wave of black brownish water. >> it was rushing down fox street. >> it was crazy. never seen nothing like it. >> reporter: the break comes a year and a half after another main broke just a hundred feet away from this one. the philadelphia said the old line dates back to 1895. >> certainly age may have played a factor. the infrastructure in philadelphia is aging but we are working to replace it. >> reporter: the water department says a complete repair on that main could take upwards of a couple months as far as the stores here, they can open once they get cleaned up. the shop rite you see behind
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me already opened but it is definitely going to be a messy couple days here in east falls, iain. >> chris, thank you. and the cleanup continues in west philadelphia as well. that's where millions of gallons of water flooded the 500 block of north 52nd street sunday morning. electricians were there restoring power today. hot water heaters are also being replaced. there's still no word on how long that entire cleanup will take. >> a woman attacked, jump owed an south jersey street and almost dragged into the woods. how local police say their new high tech tool helped slap handcuffs onto a dangerous man. >> two high school seniors psyched for their class trip until they were told no wheel chairs allowed. >> all i wanted was to go on a field trip. this is the last time i will see many of my classmates. >> how the school is defending the decision to leave
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>> a new high tech crime footing tool and good police work have a florida man facing serious trouble. he's charged in the attempting kidnapping avenue south jersey woman. >> it happened in waterford township which happens to be one of the first departments in south jersey to use body cameras on their officers. dave schratwieser is at the camden county jail. how did this all unfold. >> reporter: a good description from the victim in this case and an alert police officer with a body cam helped lead to an arrest in less than 24 hours lucy. that suspect tonight is behind bars here at the camden county jail being held on $425000 bail. >> it records both video and audio. >> reporter: waterford township police have been wearing body cameras for almost a year now. they're the first in camden county to equip their patrol officers with the cameras but never were they more valuable hasn't than this week when the high tech devices helped police nab a suspect they say tried to kidnap a township woman. >> this is the first major
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incident we've had where they've really been a great help and can't say enough good things about them. >> she gets dragged back here somewhere. >> right over here. >> reporter: police say it happened here off the white horse pike when a woman out for a walk was approached by a man looking for directions to the local train station. after walking beside her for several minutes police say he suddenly attacked her. >> he came up from behind her and he grabbed her from around the neck and was choking her. >> reporter: the woman was dragged into the woods. passing new jersey transit bus driver heard the terrified woman screaming as she fought the man off and he alerted police. >> reporter: as officers responded to the southeastern the man took off leaving the badly shaken victim in the woods. >> one of our patrol officers, one of our young guys who is very very aggressive did remember someone fitting that description that he had contact with during a berlin borough call. >> reporter: the officer had taped the earlier stop on his body cam. police quickly went to their
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body cam video archive and pulled the footage. it matched the description of the suspect marcus baker from orlando, florida. >> while you're out on scene you're picking up everything and it's crystal clear. the audio on it is great. >> within less than 24 hours we had the custody under arrest and had him charged. >> reporter: 22 officers in waterford township wear those body cams every day. the suspect behind bars tonight charged with attempted kidnapping aggravated assault an whole host of other charges. iain. >> dave, thank you. two well deserving students did not get to go on their last high school field trip. they have cerebral palsy. they were left out of a school from into kings dominion because they're in wheel chairs. they got a phone call from their school saying the bus did not have wheelchair access. that were upseven. it's the last time they may see some of their classmates and they've worked hard all year. >> i am a national honor society student with a 4.25gpa
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and i think it's unfair that we don't get to go. >> he deserves as much fun as anybody else. >> officials with woodson high school washington, d.c., they were told last night the bus didn't have wheelchair access and they couldn't find a new one on such short notice. >> just wrong. >> this next story grabbed one woman's attention and now she's passing it along. >> video of a philadelphia police officer lending a helping hand to children is sweeping across social media right now. daniels is driving to see her sister in north philadelphia when she saw a police officer do something she considered pretty special. the police officer pulled over to help two children lugging their clothes to a laundromat. that touched daniels so much she had her nine-year-old daughter bree record the whole thing on her phone. >> oh, told the kids to go ahead and walk and he's going to drive the clothes to the laundromat. tell me that's not a good thing. >> that is a good thing. berniece posted the video on facebook to recognize officer sammy bryn son of the 22nd
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police district. he's been on the force since 2007. daniels post has 100,000 views and countering. >> let's get a check of that weather. that coat this morning, i hope it's going to warm up guys. >> it was a little chilly. temperatures were pretty much stuck in the 60's and seventies across the area today. iain that heat is making a comeback for your friday. as we look at ultimate doppler, pretty quiet. a couple thunderstorms in maryland as well as back towards the harrisburg area. we'll zoom in on some of that activity trying to move into sections of berks county just to the west of reading a shower and thunderstorm popping up and a little bit of lightning. some of that activity might make it towards our western zones overnight of as we move into sections of virginia some storm reports, if you think clouds, potential tornado moved through sections of that area well to our south though we saw no severe weather due to the cloud cover that we saw for much of the day. more stable conditions across our area but you can see off to the west still watching a
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few scattered storms. low 70's right now. we're watching for patchy fog developing in some spots across the area. temperatures still stuck in the upper 60's and low 70's across the area. as we move ahead to tomorrow, we'll watch out for sun and clouds, maybe a passing shower or a storm but then as we move toward the upcoming weekend we're going to watch this area of low pressure, some tropical moisture left over from bill. we've been talking about it all week long moving away from oklahoma and texas moving through sections of the ohio river valley and that trend will continue over the next several days. association leftover moisture right now around texas oklahoma and arkansas moving moving through the midwest and eventually through the ohio river valley so that will bring us a lot of lift in the atmosphere and we'll squeeze out a lot of moisture as well, so it will provide some heavy downpours. so, as we take a look, you can see tomorrow maybe .10-inch of an inch by 8:00 a.m. tomorrow mainly dry and warm and humid. as we move towards midday on
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sunday some of the heavier rain likely to the south. see over an inch in sections of wilmington as well as dover. so temperatures tonight we're looking at low 60's in the suburbs, up are 60's in the city. then tomorrow, it's going to be warm and muggy 87 degrees for the high temperature maybe a few spotty showers. scattered showers likely around on saturday, 84 degrees and then some tropical downpours as we move into father's day. at least the first half of the day looks pretty much like a washout across the area. keep that in mind as you're making plans for dad and then we turn hazy, hot and humid for the first full week of summer. >> i never want your forecast to be off so i'm kind of hoping your forecast is off for dad. >> yeah, maybe later we can get the rain. >> cole hamels will miss tomorrow's start but is he really hurt? i will tell you what i hear. and i had a chance to talk to allen iverson about his negative image that came out in a recent
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>> ♪ >> cole hamels, he will not start tomorrow night against saint louis because of a mild right hamstring strain. now, after the game hamels would not talk to the media and i may have some reasons why. the last time out on sunday hamels pitched seven scoreless innings and there was a feeling in the organization that hamels is not really hurt. he took batting practice yesterday, was fine. no issues. i'm told some think he does not want to pitch against the cards analysis tomorrow which is a team he would like to be traded to. interesting. phillies only scored two runs today but still broke
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their nine game losing streak. to the ballpark, now ryan howard refuses the shift is on nobody at third. they're giving you the run. the man is at third. no, bullet he gets lucky. hits a pitch down the middle. phillies beat baltimore they win two to one. mini camps over for the eagles. training camp gets started august 2nd. one player we don't hear about is jean j can kinney. he had great numbers at tulsa as a quarterback and on the practice squad last season but in camp he's playing multiple positions. >> i think the one thing is how well he actually catches the ball which you would never know if a quarterback can do in that transition because they're not making any attempts but he's got real natural hands. he's a hands catcher. he plucks the ball. he's always catching the ball away from his body. he made an outstanding catch to finish training yesterday that he opened up and caught. >> i think he might be the third best quarterback on this football team behind the
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starter bradford and sanchez. tonight here on fox the u.s. open and tiger woods he's probably not going to make it this weekend. he's 150th and likely not going to make the cut. chambers bay in washington state. beautiful picture there there's the train there's puget sound but there's tiger in the bunker at 14. tiger on the par four is still in the bunker at 14. tiger for his double bogey putt. now, he had eight bogeys at a and that for a triple bogey. he shot an 80. one hundred fiftieth brute physical. jordan spieth here on 13th, the birdie putt minus two three behind the leader justin johnson and henrik ben sten son. sixers unveiled their new uniforms tonight. they need new players more than they need new uniforms. uniforms are just retro jerseys from the old championship years. some players from the 83 championship team were there as well as allen iverson. recently show time had a documentary of iverson and his career nothing about the problems in that documentary.
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then there was the book that pointed up all the negatives which included drinking. i asked a.i. which is closer to the truth. >> this is who i. so obviously, you know, you going to hear, you know, the truth and you going to hear the lies a lot of times you know me, allen iverson, you know the media make their money off of negative stories when it come to me, you know what i mean. you got paid a little bit too, from negative stories. and i was young and i made a lot of mistakes but at the same time i mean we grew and we get better you know what i mean and we can let by gones be by gones. >> let me tell you something i was keeping it real and now that he's done playing he knows i was keeping it real. but now it's just like we're buds. >> yes. >> but, hey, listen, he is what he is. >> i like him. >> and it's never going to change. >> even charles barkley and you will have go out.
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>> charles is end of the spectrum. >> we'll back here for "good day" dylann
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at 4:00 o'clock this morning a nation in mourning after a hate crime massacre hits charleston church. this morning we are learning much more about the rick tim and the shooter. and shoppers running for safety after a water main break in the east falls shopping center, this is second time in a week. jenny joyce is live this morning, on how crews are getting it all cleaned up. rain sunshine and rain. sandwich you can call it really. a mixed bag, we will have it on your fathers day forecast coming up. i have never heard of sunshine sandwich. >> yes,. >> we've got rain and sun in there it is like a sandwich. >> we're coming in extra early these days, one we're a
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little b


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